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About the Harpy

Nature's beloved Harpy Eagle is in danger of extinction!
Before you click off or otherwise go, here's a brief thumbnail sketch of what you should know about them.

Genus: Falconiformes

Species: Accipitridae

Scientific name: Harpia harpyja

Common names (Spanish): Águila Harpía; Águila Real; Águila Arpía; Águila Monera and Sulubag (in Panama's Kuna Indian dialect)

Photo below courtesy of Peregrine Foundation (Fondo Peregrino, Panama City, Panama.


The "Typical" Harpy's Profile Characteristics


NOTE: 1 meter (m.) = 39 inches



11 lbs. (♂  male), 

18 lbs. (♀ female) (approx. avgs.)




0.96 m. (♂ male) 1.08 m. (♀ female) (approx.)


Wing Span:


1.83 – 2.24 m.

Longevity (life span):

+ 40 years (according to data on eagles in captivity)



The Harpy Eagle lives in Central and South America.

The natural habitat of the Harpy Eagle is the forests, staying close to the tropical conditions around the Equator.


The Harpy Eagles eat primarily animals that live in trees like sloths, opossums, monkeys, snakes and some other birds and reptiles. Harpy Eagles are highly maneuverable fliers and strike their prey after a rapid pursuit through the trees.


The Harpy Eagles build their huge nests in the tallest part of the tree it founds in the tropical rain forest. The Harpy female lays 1-2 eggs but only one hatches. The little Harpy stays with their parents at least for three years.


The Harpy Eagle has endured a successful captivity breeding program helped by the Peregrine Fund in our country. 


The Harpy Eagle is the national bird of Panama.  



