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News & Event Updates

Breaking News...
"Harpy Awareness" gathered major momentum, thanks to "Mission: Harpy Eagle" and day of events held on April 10, 2005 at Centro Deportivo Kiwanis in Ciudad del Saber (Clayton).
The Peregrine Fund reports that its important work with Harpy Eagles is making headway, helping to return more of these rare and magnificent birds back into the wild. For more information, see the Foundation's official Web site: www.fondoperegrino.org or visit them at their convenient, easy-to-find location at Ciudad del Saber, Clayton.
"Sister Schools" are expected to join in greater numbers to help support Mission: Harpy Eagle, according to members of the Mission coordinating team. Support for this national, grassroots, school-based program can be measured by the increasing number of information requests being directed to a dedicated team of volunteers, who in turn provide to these schools a variety of materials useful to student learning and teachers' lesson plans.
Coordinator and Students from Mission: Harpy Eagle receive recognition for their excellent work done in conservation and protection of the Harpy Eagle.
Mission Harpy Eagle Students from 8th. grade and their coordinator, Teacher Ileana M. Cotes, were granted certificates by Marta Curti, biologist of The Peregrine Fund.
Marta Curti, biologist, who has worked very hard spreading the importance of the Harpy Eagle, expressed words of appreciation for the work developed by Mission: Harpy Eagle students and coordinator.
Parents, students, teachers, and board of directors from Colegio Brader witnessed the special moment when these recognitions were given.


Marta Curti, biologist from the Peregrine Fund located in Clayton, Panama City kindly welcomed a group from 9th. Grade at their location. A group of students from 9th. grade were also eager to learn about the Harpy Eagle. During the visit, they interviewed Marta Curti about the organization, Harpy Eagle food chain, and much more. These students developed a video with amazing information about the Harpy Eagle. They also designed a beautiful poster where they highlighted the importance of preserving animals that are eaten by this incredible raptor.

Calendar of Events:
What:     Youth Talent Scientific Fair 2008
When:     October 20-22
Where:     Latina University - Panama
Sponsor:  Organization of American States and Young Americas Business Trust
Mission Harpy Eagle Members were the winners of a Special Prize for the work developed to promote conservation.
